Wednesday, June 24, 2015

(PC) TIS-100 Review

Game: TIS-100
Developer: Zachtronics
Steam Store Page:

Official Video:

This is a game that I have been playing fairly intensively, which is really surprising as it is not too often that I will get into a puzzle game, especially a text-based one at that.

In a nutshell TIS-100 is a game about coding in something similar to Assembly, one of the oldest programming languages that everything else is built on in modern computer systems. However, it certainly doesn’t behave like the computers of old with its multiple processor style “nodes”.

These nodes are where the real challenges of the game exist (beyond the initial programming challenge put before the player), as you will have to spread workload and code lines across a grid of nodes that can communicate with any available node directly beside it (and there is a limit of 16 lines of code per node).

The game is still updating frequently, with more features added for custom user puzzles and sandboxes appearing each time I open it up, so I really look forward to seeing what comes next!

Overall Ratings:
  • Gameplay: 5/5
    • In this case gameplay rating really means that there is nothing which detracts from the experience while playing. It is a game of learning to think like the TIS-100
  • Story: N/A
    • Although this game has puzzle elements and some hidden messages, it is not really something I can give a rating value to just yet
  •  Graphics: 5/5
    • There are no real graphics to the game other than the interface, but rating based on that alone it suits the game very well
  • Enjoyment: 5/5
    • I know this game is not meant for everyone, but I have been addicted to it since the first time I "booted up" the TIS-100
So if you have read this all and are still interested, odds are you will enjoy it. Again, it’s Early Access right now, but I like everything I have seen about it so far, and I hope you do too!

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog!

Hopefully you will enjoy your time here on what will be a collection of thoughts about games that my fiancĂ© and I have to share!

Stay tuned for more information :)